Saturday, May 11, 2013

Fortnightly affair with the ladies@Village Park

I might be a bad influence to the ladies.. as I noticed it was always me who suggests to eat VP's nasi lemak for lunch.

During the moment of savouring the crunchy fried chicken, sweet and spicy sambal, fragrant coconut flavoured rice (we even added extra servings of lady fingers fried with onions and dried shrimps and 'kerak', the leftover fried bits of the fried chicken).... we were very, very happy people.

However the drive back after the meal was horrifying. Complaints of feeling stuffed, sleepy, fat just kept pouring out. The evil after effects of VP's nasi lemak.

It's evil but we can't help ourelves eating it over and over again.

Oh no... the craving is coming again!

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